I tried to put it all out of my head and tell myself that it would be different and on the screen would be our baby. Our beautiful baby that we have waited for so long. The technician gelled me up and started the scan. Sure enough there was our baby. Mine and Robs baby. Our tiny, cute and extremely stubborn baby who proceeded to face its back to us the entire time! I literally could not stop laughing! This changed it all. This wasn't just like everyone else's scan. This was OUR scan. OUR stubborn cheeky baby who took 25 minutes of pushing, prodding, shaking and walking to get to turn around. It took that moment for me to finally click that I was having a baby.
There's our baby! Our cheeky little devil who thank the lord played up because it showed me that it was a part of us and "not like everyone else" I didn't know whether to laugh or cry!
Everything went perfectly with our scan. The nurse was extremely happy with our baby and all the signs pointed to a nice strong baby. This was a huge relief for us...well me...Rob never doubted it. It was so cool to be able to watch the baby move yet I could not feel a thing. Even though baby is tiny we could still see arms and legs and spine and all the important parts of its body. It was seriously cute.
After our scan we went to the hospital cafe for a drink and to flip
through the 100's of photos we got to keep. We were sitting there
looking through when this one caught my eye. I literally screamed
everyone in the room stared. But seriously can anyone else not see what I

There is our gorgeous baby just sitting in Mummy's tummy. 1 knee up and the other crossed. 1 elbow leaning on the knee that is up and the other arm with its hand in its crutch! Seriously!!!! Rob and I nearly died! If this is not the most amazing 12 week scan photo I don't know what is. I cried and cried in the middle of the cafe. That was our baby. Just chilling. This made it all worth it.
This single moment of seeing this photo changed everything.
Now I know I said that all 12 week scan photos look the same but omg look at that gorgeous face. I might be bias but holy moly that kid is cute.
Peace, Love and Hope
x S.K.K x
Those are wonderful pictures. Congratulations! And what a chilled out little bub you have there! Just hanging out, growing, waiting to join you and your hubby here. Beautiful. x Aroha
Aww! Your post made me teary! I just love those first pics and know what you mean regarding the fear! Baby is beautiful. Now I am clucky! I can't have anymore - my Husband would die if I said I wanted a 7th! (I would LOVE another though!)
I hope you ride the coming months with ease! Congratulations!
Congratulations! great first scan memories to cherish!
I remember the night before my 12 week with my first bubs I had the most terrifying dreams of everything going wrong. Thankfully the next day everything was all good. I couldn't wipe the grin off my face and almost cried when I heard the heartbeat for the first time. It really was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced. Congratulations again, so glad to hear everything is going well. xx #teamIBOT
Yay! I love that first scan! It's reassuring when you see that heartbeat. Congratulations on reaching that first milestone! Hope it's all plain sailing til bub arrives. :)
Very pleased all is going well with your pregnancy and hopefully you savour it (and some food) in your second and third trimesters.
Congratulations :) Your photos are amazing by the way xxx
I sobbed at the 12 week scan of all 3 of my darlings. It's so profound, that moment when it is suddenly real, when it comes home that YOU are having a BABY. Incredible. Congratulations on your amazing, healthy, wonderful baby!
He is so beautiful Sarah!! And I say he, because any baby with it's hand on its crutch just has to be a boy ;)
Congratulations again xxx
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