We turned 16 Weeks on Valentines Day ❤️ This week was a big week as we found out our angel is a beautiful baby boy! We are still in shock and can not believe we are blessed with a gorgeous son. We bought his pram, cot and car seat after a very long 3 hours in Baby Warehouse. Daddy chose everything and Mummy was very impressed with his taste. I am the most indecisive person in the world so I was very happy to let Rob take control and make the big decisions. I trust him. Baby Boy decided to really show this week and Mumma's tummy got round and hard! Sickness is completely gone, praise The Lord above. I am loving eating home cooked meals and I am even starting to cook again. I have finally put on all the weight I lost during my first trimester and am finally back to my pre pregnancy weight of 67.5kg. Now lets get this baby and bump growing. I'm craving cheese all day, every day, like crazy! I can not get enough! Which is hilarious because I am lactose intolerant but the lactose free version hits the spot nicely. I am starting to do some light weight activity in our pool at night time and going for walks and bike rides around our block. Easing into the exercise slowly. I am really feeling pressure in my chest when I lay down or slouch and hair hair hair is everywhere! Insomnia has hit...whyyyyy???....isn't it too early for that?? but I'll take it over nausea any day! Our little Valentine is growing beautifully and our OB is extremely happy with both of us.

Aunty Rachael bought baby boy his first dream catcher for his room!
It is very special.

17 Weeks...oh my goodness I can not believe we are here! We are now close to half way! This week has been fabulous and I'm feeling amazing! I've really started getting into the swimming and riding and I'm loving being able to move my body finally! Im taking advantage of it while I can. It is perfect for my mental state as well! Exercise endorphins exist and they are dam amazing. I've bought a few pairs of clothes for our son and we've been given some beautiful presents! I am only buying things here and there when I see things on special. Don't want to stock up too much! Sleep is non existent these days and the headaches are shocking! I'm just so happy I don't even care haha I finally bit the bullet and painted my nails. I haven't since my IVF because my acupuncturist told me to "get that poison off my nails" and I have freaked ever since. After a lot of research I found that polish that are '3 free' are safe during pregnancy so I finally added some colour :-) It makes me happy. This week my gorgeous nappy bag arrived and I am completely in love! It is beyond perfect! I also received some gorgeous organic baby lotions and products and I got 5 more nappies to add to our growing collection. I am right on track with my eating and variety is the key. I seriously just make random stuff and I love a plate of food that I can pick at. I purchased a beautiful harmony ball that i wear around my neck that chimes on my belly when I move and walk and hoping it will bring peace and calm to myself and our boy. It has been a pretty magical week. Keep growing my beautiful son

18 Weeks and I have started to feel my darling boy move this week! It has taken me all week to determine whether it was baby or just gas hehe but after restricting my food completely it definitely is baby! The joy of being lactose intolerant! I have put on .05kg and am now at 68kg and feel very 'full' My tummy is started to really fill out. I've got my first stretch mark on my breast because they won't stop bloody growing haha nothing on my tummy yet but I can't really feel my tummy stretching yet so I am sure that will come in the following weeks. I have tried to use different bely butters but I am trying to stay as natural as possible so I make a little mix of coconut oil and jojoba oil and put that on each night so I will see how that goes. I don't think you can really 'prevent' stretch marks with creams but if it softens my belly and makes it a little easier then I'll do it! I have had 4 nights of sleeping hell and 2 nights of bliss this week so that has been a bit of a ride but I've kept up my walking each day so I'm not letting the lack of sleep effect me! This week has flown and I'm still feeling blissfully happy.
Peace, Love and Hope
x S.K.K x
Congrats on expecting a boy!! :) You look great!
Congrats!!! And I'm so glad you commented and that I checked out your blog! I've been looking for "preggo blogs" to follow! I am 13 weeks pregnant and I just love reading about other people who are in the boat with me. Boys are so much fun. We have a boy and a girl and I'm hoping this one is another boy! We're going to announce our pregnancy this week and I'm pretty excited! :) Thanks again for stopping by!!!
SO so cute!! :)
Thank You so much! Yes we are so excited to be having a son!
Oh I love finding other people on this journey! This is our first so I love learning through other blogs! Looking forward to sharing this with you!
Thank You!!! :-)
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