Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Truth About My Job

My name is Sarah and I am a Day Care Mum
I look after 4 children a day in my home.
We play, we laugh, we learn, we connect, we sing, we dance, we grow.

But there are a few things you may not know about my job.

~ The secret truth of a Day Care Mum ~

I work in one room all day long with 4 children under 5 with no adult interaction what so ever. Sometimes I may or may not put the toys in hilarious positions and laugh with myself about them. Woody and I were totes chilling this day watching the kids do puzzles.

Every day we have 'dance time' and at my Kindy we rock it out. No Hi-5 or Wiggles here. We listen to all the latest "clean" pop songs and my kindy kids groove like nobodies business. We pop, lock and roll all over our 'dancefloor' and I may or may not pretend I'm on stage and rock it out harder than all of the 3 year olds put together ;-)

Our favourite at the moment is...

Don't tell me you didn't do a little toe tap or shoulder shimmy to that songs!

My children squat. Yep every day we get our body squats on. I think a while back during our dance time I did a few squats to change it up a bit and well they remembered and now every day as part of their dance routine they all squat. It is so hilarious, totally unplanned yet completely encouraged for the pure cuteness of it all. These kids get low let me tell you.

I have 'Kindy Couples' in our group. A couple of the children have paired off and have found their first true loves. Its ridiculous adorable and they literally spend all of their time with each other. They get so excited when each of them arrive at 'Kindy' and the love that they show for each other during the day is just priceless.

 The truth is I am 27 years old and have permanent wrinkles on my forehead!
This is because of my Kindy Faces.

Number 1: My 'Discipline' Face - "Oh my goodness me I hope you are using your walking feet when you are in my Kindy room" "Oh Dear I hope you are using your gentle hands" "Oh O we need to share with our friends here at Kindy"

Number 2: My 'Encouraging' Face - "Can you please pass me the BLUE block?" "Where's your nose?" "How do you spell your name?" "How many flowers are in the garden?"  "Are you going to do a poo on the potty?"

Number 3: My 'Celebration' Face - "Horray Horray Horray You did a wee on the potty woo woo woo" "Woohoo you walked to the door instead of running woohoo" "Horray for eating your apple" "Good Job passing that toy"

My eyebrows are constantly raised! ALL DAY...EVERY DAY ;-)


The biggest truth about my job, which is definitely NOT a secret at all, is that I am absolutly 100% IN LOVE with my job. It is so funny calling it a job, it sure doesn't feel like it. Every single day I get to play and hang out with 4 beautiful souls who bring so much joy, love and happiness into my life. I could not and do not want to think about doing anything else.

Being a Day Care Mum ROCKS!
and that's the truth!

Peace, Love and Hope

x S.K.K x


Rolled Up Pretty said...

You are a trooper!!! :)

Anonymous said...

How did you get into doing this? I work in childcare/preschool and love it. My boyfriends mum does family day care and I'd love to do it but most companies won't allow pets and I love my babies too much!
Do you do it through a company or..?

Bachelormum said...

I love those kindy wrinkles - you should patent them. I take my hat off to you darling - it's a tough job because as u said there's no adult interaction ... but maybe tha's a good thing :-)

Anonymous said...

It is always great to see someone who LOVES what they do :-) My sister is a day care mum also! xo

Janet Camilleri said...

Those 4 kids are SO LUCKY to have you as their day care mum! I love how you love what you do, who could ask for anything more :-)

Visiting from #teamIBOT xxx

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading this post. Your enthusiasm really shines though and I found myself smiling all the way! There's no way I could do what you do, and love it. I found it hard enough looking after my own kids, let along anyone elses. You rock it! :-)

Amanda said...

OMG I seriously looove this. I have used Family Day Care since my oldest baby was 2 (he's now 12). My youngest who is now 3 is well entrenched in the FDC system and I still love it. I esp loved your "wrinkled faces".....I honestly don't know how you do it every day but I'm so glad they're are wonderful people like you that do :)
Visiting from #teamIBOT

Mums Take Five said...

I have no idea how you do it! i have trouble staying sane with my kids let alone other peoples!
kindy wrinkles .... hmm is that what they are on my head - all i need now is a kindy.

Emily @ Have a laugh on me said...

I TOTALLY take my hat off to you - you are one in a million, I had 3 under 3.5 and it was HELL, it kinda still is. But I suppose you can give them back - me? not so much!

Me said...

I don't know how you do it - I certainly couldn't !!!!
It is so obvious from your post how much you love your job and there is absolutely nothing in the world that can beat that !!!
Have the best day !

Bethany K @ BeforeDuringAfter said...

I was the one who nominated you for the Liebster Award! But the link I gave you didn't work, I don't think. Here is a working link: http://beforeduringandafterblog.com/2013/05/07/liebster-award/

Sorry about that!

Megalin said...

I'm a private nanny and was planning on opening my own daycare but my neighborhood voted against it :/ how did you start yours?
Stopping by from the link up

Jenn said...

What a great job to have. My favorite face is the discipline face - pretty intimidating!!

Stopping by from the linkup.

Kate said...

so glad you joined the link up! reading about your job sounds like it would be a blast but i doubt i could be as patient and awesome as you are! how fun for those kids to have such a fun day care teacher to dance and play with!

Anonymous said...

Great for you for loving your job! Not everyone can do it and enjoy it so much. New follower from Thumping Thursdays.


jenkehl.com said...

Stopping by from Thumping Thursdays :-) I wish you lived at my house! My son would love you, not mean old mommy! Sounds like your job is awesome, they're lucky to have you :-)

Talia said...

This is a great post, thanks for sharing it!! I have always wondered what it would be like doing that job, as it's something I've considered for the future!

Karina said...

Hi Sarah,
That is such a touching and funny post. The different faces and the touching moments - I could relate to the permanent eyebrows and the gratitude for those beautiful moments that children share.
Thank you for linking up with us on the Thumping Thursdays Blog Hop. It's great to have you back.


EssentiallyJess said...

Oh you would be the best day carer ever!! Love that you have so much fun with the kids. They must feel so safe and secure with you